Recently, a heartwarming video of two brothers reuniting, who got separated in 1947 during India-Pakistan partition, went viral on social media. The video shows a tearful reunion of the elderly...
On January 17, Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacked Abu Dhabi airport using drones and missiles which killed three and injured six. Against this backdrop, a couple of images are being widely shared...
A video post claiming that US Vice President Kamala Harris has said that all those who are hospitalized due to COVID-19 are vaccinated has gone viral on social media....
Dubbed as ‘artificial sun’, China’s nuclear fusion reactor was officially switched on January 4, 2022, as per reports. As per reports, the reactor holds the record for being able to sustain temperatures...
A video is being widely shared on social media platforms showing an airplane virtually tossing and turning in the air and then making emergency landing. It is being claimed...
A video of a fireworks display is widely being shared on social media with a claim that it is of New Year celebrations in Japan. The video is shared...
A video of a man dancing on the song ‘Tip Tip Barsa Pani’ has gone viral on social media with a caption claiming that he is Aamir Liaquat Hussain,...
With the Omicron variant of coronavirus raging like wildfire the world over, a post is being shared on social media with a claim that Bill Gates’ Microsoft created a...
As Bangladesh gears up for the upcoming season of Bangladesh Premier League, a T20 cricket tournament in Bangladesh, a photograph showing people holding Dhaka printed jerseys is widely being shared...
A video of a truck exploding after colliding with a vehicle is being shared on social media platforms linking it to a recent crude oil tanker blast in Dubai....