A video showing a woman who appears to be a nurse administering vaccine using an empty syringe is being shared with a claim that the video is from India.
The caption of the video read: *भारत में एक से एक ठग भरे पड़े हैं, सुई चुबा कर वापस निकाल ली और वैकसीन नहीं लगाई , यह व्यक्ति धोके मैं रहेगा कि उसने वैकसीन लगवा ली है* *अगर यह सरकारी केंद्र है तो वैकसीन प्राईवेट मैं बेच दी जाएगी और प्राइवेट केंद्र हैं तो 250/- रु की चोरी कर ली* *इस हाल में भारत कैसे कोराना से लड पाएगा ?*
(Translation: In India thugs are everywhere, she took out the syringe without administering the vaccine, this person will be under the impression that he has got vaccinated. If it is a government centre then the vaccine will be sold in a private hospital, while if the video shows a private centre then they have stolen Rs. 250 / – How will India be able to fight Coronavirus if this is the situation?)
Here’s the link to the above post.
Check similar posts here and here.
NewsMobile fact-checked the viral post and found it to be false.
On listening to the audio of the post, we found that people in the video are speaking in Spanish which suggested that the video is not from India.
Further, we put keyframes of the video through Reverse Image Search and found a report published by a Spanish media organisation El Tiempo, dated April 4, 2021. The headline of the report in Spanish can be loosely translated to, ‘In Mexico, there is outrage over the case of an empty syringe’.
As per the report, the man in the video was a volunteer with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (MISS), a government body that assists public health. It further stated that the nurse had reportedly injected the adult with an empty syringe and she was removed from her services when the matter came to light.
Additionally, we found a video on YouTube, uploaded by another Mexican media organisation, El Universal dated April 4, 2021. The title of the video reads, “IMSS retira de vacunación a enfermera que fingió vacunar a adulto mayor en la GAM” (Translation-IMSS suspends a nurse who pretended to vaccinate an elderly person in the GAM)
More reports from Mexican media organisations covering the issue can be read here and here.
Lastly, we found a tweet by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in which they apologised for the incident. The tweet in Spanish can be translated to, ‘In relation to the events that occurred during yesterday’s vaccination session at the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute, the #SEDESA and @Tu_IMSS regret what happened and report the following:’
Con relación a los hechos ocurridos en la jornada de vacunación de ayer en la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, la #SEDESA y @Tu_IMSS lamentan lo ocurrido e informan lo siguiente: pic.twitter.com/DJgxptB57e— IMSS (@Tu_IMSS) April 4, 2021
The release stated that the vaccine was later administered correctly to the volunteer without major complications, in the presence of his family. It further stated that the vaccinator was removed from the corresponding vaccination center.
Hence, from the above information, it is clear that the post claiming that the empty syringe was used for vaccination in India is false.
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