A video of some people offering namaz in knee-deep water has gone viral on social media. It is being claimed that the minority community is planning to capture the lands of Ganga by chanting Azaan in the river.
The video is shared on Facebook with a caption in Hindi that translates to, “This is a plan of Muslims to capture the river Ganga with Azan. According to their plan, a temporary residence should be built on the banks of the river Ganga. Later it will be converted into a permanent residence. Since the world’s next battle is to be for water, these Muslims will elevate Islam by living on the banks of the Ganga.”
(Original Text: यह मुस्लिमोंकी एक योजना है कि एकान्त स्थान पर गंगा नदी में अज़ान लगा कर कब्जा किया जये। इनकी योजना के अनुसार गंगा नदी के किनारे किनारे पर अस्थाई निवास बनाये जाय बाद में यह स्थाई निवास में परिवर्तन कर दिया जायेगा। क्यों कि विश्व की अगली लड़ाई पानी के लिए होनी है। और यह गंगा के किनारे रह कर यह मुस्लिम इस्लाम को बुलन्द करेंगे। मेरी आप सभी हिन्दू भाइयों से विनती है कि यह विडियो वायरल करें ज्यादा से ज्यादा)
Here’s the link to the above post. Check similar posts here and here.
The post has gone viral on Facebook.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be false.
A Reverse Image Search on the keyframes of the video directed us to several YouTube videos uploaded in May 2020 by Bangladesh media outlets that carried the same viral video. Check other YouTube videos here and here.
The video description translates to, “Performing Eid prayers while standing in water, many areas of Koyra Upazila of Khulna are underwater.”
Searching further, we found many news reports published in May 2020 that carried glimpses from the viral video. According to the news articles, on May 25, during Eid-Ul-Fitr, this incident happened in the Koyra area of Bangladesh’s Khulna district.
The report further reads, “At Khulna’s Koyra Upazila, the cyclone Amphan destroyed embankment and flooded a vast swathe of the area, forcing thousands of people to offer Eid prayers standing in knee-deep water.”
The incident had been covered by various other news organisations as well. Read the reports here and here.
NewsMobile had earlier debunked a similar claim as well. Read here.
Thus, it is evident from the above information that a video of people offering Namaz in knee-deep water in Bangladesh is being shared with false claims.
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