A post about increasing oxygen level for COVID-19 patients is being shared on social media with a claim that a drop of homoeopathic medicine Aspidosperma Q 20 can maintain blood oxygen level in patients.
The Facebook caption read, “ऑक्सिजन लेवल गिर रहा है तो ऑक्सिजन मिलने का इंतज़ार मत करो Aspidosperma Q 20 बूँद एक कप पानी में देने से ऑक्सिजन तुरंत मेटेंन हो जाएगा जो हमेशा बना रहेगा । ये homeopathic medicine है । Oxygen ढूँढने में समय बर्बाद ना करें”
Other similar posts were seen here, here and here.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found it to be misleading.
With the help of keywords search, we found a list of guidelines for Homeopathy practitioners for treating COVID-19 patients in home isolation, released by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of AYUSH. The list also mentions some Homoeopathic medicines but Aspidosperma-Q is not part of any of the guidelines issued by the ministry.
Moreover, we found an article on the Health Desk website, a COVID-19 resource for journalists published by doctors, homoeopathy experts among other public health experts, that stated there is a lack of evidence to suggest that Aspidosperma Q is effective at improving oxygen levels.
According to a Zee News article, ‘Aspidosperma Q20 is a homoeopathy remedy that is used to treat health issues associated with the respiratory system. The medicine is beneficial for those who suffer from asthma and influenza’.
Further, we found tweets by the Ministry of AYUSH and the government’s nodal agency Press Information Bureau (PIB), published in April 2021, stating that Aspidosperma Q 20 cannot be taken as a substitute for oxygen when oxygen levels fall.
Fake post circulating on social media claims that Homeopathy medicine Aspidosperma Q 20 can be taken as a substitute for oxygen when oxygen levels fall. #AyushFactCheck: Ministry of Ayush prohibits advertisements with claims for treatment of #Covid19 from #unverified sources pic.twitter.com/rHW0aTh9WI
— Ministry of Ayush (@moayush) April 30, 2021
वायरल पोस्ट में दावा किया गया है कि होम्योपैथिक दवाई ‘ASPIDOSPERMA Q’ ऑक्सीजन लेवल को तुरंत संतुलित कर सकती है और यह हमेशा संतुलित बना रहेगा#PIBFactCheck:यह दावा #भ्रामक है। कोरोना संक्रमितों में ऑक्सीजन लेवल को संतुलित करने के लिए इसे विकल्प के रूप में प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता pic.twitter.com/5ZkKHadlMG
— PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) April 29, 2021
Hence, with the help of the above information, it can be clearly stated that Aspidosperma Q 20 cannot be used to increase or maintain blood oxygen level in COVID-19 patients.
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